To me, strength is about more than results. It’s about moving well, building longevity, and finding confidence within yourself. Together, we can find what moves you.

A body in motion stays in motion.

upcoming events



Kettlebell Workshop: The kettlebell snatch

These are the two most effective, yet complex movements there are to learn.
10:00am – 12:00pm at lululemon Lincoln Park



Nutrition Workshop: how to set yourself up for success

Learn the 'how' to get to your goals.
6:00pm - 7:00pm at lululemon Lincoln Park

favorite finds

I’m Nikki

a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach in Chicago. On paper, I specialize in strength and conditioning, pre- and post-natal fitness, and online nutrition coaching. I've had the opportunity to work with organizations like Under Armour, Lululemon, and the Chicago Blackhawks at MB Ice Arena. Day to day I'm blest to work with both athletes and the general population in the Chicagoland area. 

online programming + In person training


Group nutrition program

Fitness, nutrition, and wellness workshops