There is a TON of information out there about health and wellness, and it seems like it’s changing all the time (remember when carbs were basically banned?). On the blog, I break down the latest and greatest in the health world with real, science-backed evidence you can trust. That way, you have all the facts you need to decide if a certain workout or a new superfood works for your life. Things in the wellness world move pretty fast, but you can count on this blog to be a reliable, data-backed resource that you can come back to again and again.


Let’s face it:
health + wellness
recipe Box

The line between stress and burnout is a blurred one. It’s often difficult to see where one begins and the other ends. Think of burnout as the older, meaner, big brother to stress. I think it’s important to acknowledge that stress is a part of us, but when is it too much for us to […]


March 18, 2024

I have gotten this question many times and it’s something I love to work on with clients. Discipline is a word that gets thrown around lot these days, but I don’t see a lot of people defining it nor breaking it down. It’s not something that you have or don’t have. It’s something you can […]


March 11, 2024

To put it simply, eating at your maintenance means you eat roughly equivalent to the calories you expend. Meaning you are eating enough to neither gain weight or lose weight. I wish this was talked about more than it is because it’s a crucial component in nutrition and especially for fat loss. When considering fat […]


February 5, 2024

It comes down to mindset. Many people admit that they want and need to make health improvements, but don’t take the first step towards changing it. This can show up as how we speak to ourselves (internal dialogue), making excuses, lack of awareness, not asking for help, or not prioritizing what’s important to us. Trust […]

How to get out of your own way

December 27, 2023

Body composition is the proper term that’s used for that “lean” or “toned” physique. Simply put, it’s the breakdown of body fat and lean mass that you carry. This also varies and depends on a number of factors such as age or genetics. However, there is still a lot you can control when it comes […]

What is body composition and how do you achieve it?

December 20, 2023

One of my favorite topics to discuss in all of fitness. I think it’s a loaded question and something that can be different for everybody. Also, probably the most overlooked aspect of fitness and wellness. I like to break this down as it’s easier for me to approach. There’s a mental, emotional, and physical aspect […]

What is recovery and why is it important?

December 20, 2023

I spent a short few years in my coaching career, I came to realize training isn’t and wasn’t enough to get people where they wanted to be. Don’t get me wrong, training is one of the most important and valuable things you can do for yourself. I can go on and on on the mental, […]

Why did I decide to become a nutritionist?

December 20, 2023

I majored in International Business and minored in Spanish and Sociology. It’s safe to say that being a trainer was not on my radar. In all honesty, I had no interest in going to college at the time. I did not know what I wanted to do with my future. I only knew one thing […]

How did I get into personal training?

December 19, 2023

This is one of my favorite questions and exercises to do as I bring on a new client. There’s a lot of goal oriented talk when someone starts training and/or entering into their nutrition program, which is good and necessary. However, does it mean they are ready, willing, and able to reach their goals and […]

Are you ready, willing, and able?

August 8, 2023

I use this phrase often with my clients. Many believe that food itself is their issue, however, it’s either their relationship with it or they just don’t know what works for them. Food itself is actually pretty straight forward along with the concepts that come with it. Food can seem really confusing, but I think […]

Why is nutrition so complicated?

April 17, 2023

I'm a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach in Chicago. On paper, I specialize in strength and conditioning, pre- and post-natal fitness, and online nutrition coaching. I've had the opportunity to work with organizations like Under Armour, Lululemon, and the Chicago Blackhawks at MB Ice Arena. Day to day I'm blest to work with both athletes and the general population in the Chicagoland area. 

online personal coaching and semi-private training

Online nutrition coaching & programming

Fitness, nutrition, and wellness workshops

I'm Nikki,